Thank you, Jackie Jenks!
All of us here at Hospitality House, our Tenderloin community partners, and people in our neighborhood express our wholehearted gratitude to Jackie Jenks. We celebrate her 22 years of trailblazing work and honor decades of dedicated services to our TL and Central Market neighborhoods. We will miss her fearless advocacy on behalf of all San Franciscans, and gratefully acknowledge her unflinching commitment to justice and equality for all. We love you Jackie!
Former Executive Director Jackie Jenks came to Hospitality House in 1995 as an Employment Counselor. She has held many positions during her tenure at Hospitality House and was promoted to Executive Director in 2001 after a five-year post as Shelter Program Director. Jackie has over 25 years of experience working in the field and earned her Masters of Social Work degree from San Francisco State University in 2002. In 2011, Jackie completed a two-year Fellowship with LeaderSpring, a non-profit leadership development program for executives working with community-based organizations in the Bay Area. Jackie was the Board Secretary for Community Housing Partnership and sat on the Steering Committee for the San Francisco Human Services Network. She served as Co-Chair for the Homeless Emergency Service Providers Association (HESPA), the Homeless Employment Collaborative (HEC), and the Market Street for the Masses Coalition.
In March of 2017, due to the affordable housing crisis here in the Bay Area, Jackie had no other choice but to move her family to North Carolina. Read her story here.
Former Executive Director Jackie Jenks came to Hospitality House in 1995 as an Employment Counselor. She has held many positions during her tenure at Hospitality House and was promoted to Executive Director in 2001 after a five-year post as Shelter Program Director. Jackie has over 25 years of experience working in the field and earned her Masters of Social Work degree from San Francisco State University in 2002. In 2011, Jackie completed a two-year Fellowship with LeaderSpring, a non-profit leadership development program for executives working with community-based organizations in the Bay Area. Jackie was the Board Secretary for Community Housing Partnership and sat on the Steering Committee for the San Francisco Human Services Network. She served as Co-Chair for the Homeless Emergency Service Providers Association (HESPA), the Homeless Employment Collaborative (HEC), and the Market Street for the Masses Coalition.
In March of 2017, due to the affordable housing crisis here in the Bay Area, Jackie had no other choice but to move her family to North Carolina. Read her story here.