Remember to VOTE on November 8, 2016
One of the most important elections in recent history will be taking place this coming November 8th. Please exercise your right to vote. Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. It’s your opportunity to voice you opinion on issues that effect you and holds accountable, leaders of our government. Voting is not only a right, it’s a responsibility. YOUR VOTE IS YOUR VOICE, so be heard and vote!
Download Hospitality House Endorsements voter’s “cheat sheet” here.
Download San Francisco Ballot Worksheet here.
Download the Voter’s Glossary of Terms here.
Download the State Ballots Quick Reference Guide here.
Download San Francisco Ballot Worksheet here.
Download the Voter’s Glossary of Terms here.
Download the State Ballots Quick Reference Guide here.
Hospitality House Endorsements for November 8, 2016
San Francisco Ballot Measures
C: Loans to Finance Acquisition and Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing YES
Amends the 1992 general obligation bond to allow it to be used to finance the acquisition, improvement, and rehabilitation of at-risk multi-unit residential buildings and to convert them to permanent affordable housing.
F: Youth Voting in Local Elections YES
Allows 16 and 17-year-old San Francisco residents to vote on local candidates and local ballot measures, increasing voter engagement in our communities.
I: Funding for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities YES
Establishes a Dignity Fund to increase services for seniors and people with disabilities, a growing population in San Francisco in need of support.
J: Funding for Homelessness and Transportation YES
Creates a Homeless Housing and Services Fund ($50M annually) and a Transportation Improvement Fund ($101.6M annually), which will expand much-needed services for people struggling with homelessness and poverty.
K: General Sales Tax YES
Increases the sales tax by 0.75% (for a total tax of 9.25%) to pay for the Prop J Homeless Housing and Services Fund and the Transportation Improvement Fund, providing much-needed funds for homeless services and transportation.
M: Housing and Development Commission YES
Creates a Housing and Development Commission, which would increase public input into decision-making on issues involving housing development in San Francisco.
N: Non-Citizen Voting in School Board Elections YES
Allows non-citizen parents or guardians of children in the San Francisco Unified School District to vote in School Board elections.
P: Competitive Bidding for Affordable Housing Projects on City-Owned Property NO
Will require the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) to invite developers to submit at least three proposals for an affordable housing project, and for MOHCD to be required to choose the one that is the “best value.” This will slow down the building of desperately needed affordable housing in the City.
Q: Prohibiting Tents on Public Sidewalks NO
Prohibits the placement of tents on public sidewalks without a City permit and allow the City to remove unauthorized tents if the City provides 24-hour advance notice, offers shelter for all tent residents and stores the residents’ personal property for up to 90 days. There may not be adequate shelter to offer people living in tents an alternative. This measure will further criminalize homelessness.
R: Neighborhood Crime Unit NO
Creates a Neighborhood Crime Unit to prevent and investigate crimes that affect neighborhood safety and quality of life when the City has at least 1,971 full-duty uniformed police officers. This measure would increase the criminalization of homeless and low-income residents, and possibly increase the number of people in San Francisco’s jails.
S: Allocation of Hotel Tax Funds YES
This measure would require the Board to allocate annually the money raised by the Hotel Tax for the Arts Commission, the City’s War Memorial, and establish the Ending Family Homelessness Fund.
U: Affordable Housing Requirements for Market-Rate Development Projects NO
Will increase the income eligibility limit for on-site rental units for all new and existing affordable housing units to make them affordable for households earning up to 110% of the area median income. This will eliminate eligibility for homeless and working class people from market rate affordable housing by lifting the income requirements retroactively to about $115,000 for a family of four.
W: Real Estate Transfer Tax on Properties Over $5 Million YES
Will increase the transfer tax rate for sales of residential and commercial properties from 2% to 2.25% for sales from $5 million up to $10 million; from 2.5% to 2.75% for sales from $10 million up to $25 million; and from 2.5% to 3% for sales of $25 million or more.
X: Preserving Space for Neighborhood Arts, Small Businesses and Community Services in Certain Neighborhoods YES
Requires developers of projects in parts of the Mission and South of Market neighborhoods to build replacement space if they remove production, distribution and repair (PDR) uses of 5,000 square feet or more, institutional community (IC) uses of 2,500 square feet or more, or arts activities uses of any size, and to obtain a conditional use authorization before changing the property’s use. This measure will help preserve space for arts, small business, and community services in Mission, SOMA
San Francisco Ballot Measures
C: Loans to Finance Acquisition and Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing YES
Amends the 1992 general obligation bond to allow it to be used to finance the acquisition, improvement, and rehabilitation of at-risk multi-unit residential buildings and to convert them to permanent affordable housing.
F: Youth Voting in Local Elections YES
Allows 16 and 17-year-old San Francisco residents to vote on local candidates and local ballot measures, increasing voter engagement in our communities.
I: Funding for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities YES
Establishes a Dignity Fund to increase services for seniors and people with disabilities, a growing population in San Francisco in need of support.
J: Funding for Homelessness and Transportation YES
Creates a Homeless Housing and Services Fund ($50M annually) and a Transportation Improvement Fund ($101.6M annually), which will expand much-needed services for people struggling with homelessness and poverty.
K: General Sales Tax YES
Increases the sales tax by 0.75% (for a total tax of 9.25%) to pay for the Prop J Homeless Housing and Services Fund and the Transportation Improvement Fund, providing much-needed funds for homeless services and transportation.
M: Housing and Development Commission YES
Creates a Housing and Development Commission, which would increase public input into decision-making on issues involving housing development in San Francisco.
N: Non-Citizen Voting in School Board Elections YES
Allows non-citizen parents or guardians of children in the San Francisco Unified School District to vote in School Board elections.
P: Competitive Bidding for Affordable Housing Projects on City-Owned Property NO
Will require the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) to invite developers to submit at least three proposals for an affordable housing project, and for MOHCD to be required to choose the one that is the “best value.” This will slow down the building of desperately needed affordable housing in the City.
Q: Prohibiting Tents on Public Sidewalks NO
Prohibits the placement of tents on public sidewalks without a City permit and allow the City to remove unauthorized tents if the City provides 24-hour advance notice, offers shelter for all tent residents and stores the residents’ personal property for up to 90 days. There may not be adequate shelter to offer people living in tents an alternative. This measure will further criminalize homelessness.
R: Neighborhood Crime Unit NO
Creates a Neighborhood Crime Unit to prevent and investigate crimes that affect neighborhood safety and quality of life when the City has at least 1,971 full-duty uniformed police officers. This measure would increase the criminalization of homeless and low-income residents, and possibly increase the number of people in San Francisco’s jails.
S: Allocation of Hotel Tax Funds YES
This measure would require the Board to allocate annually the money raised by the Hotel Tax for the Arts Commission, the City’s War Memorial, and establish the Ending Family Homelessness Fund.
U: Affordable Housing Requirements for Market-Rate Development Projects NO
Will increase the income eligibility limit for on-site rental units for all new and existing affordable housing units to make them affordable for households earning up to 110% of the area median income. This will eliminate eligibility for homeless and working class people from market rate affordable housing by lifting the income requirements retroactively to about $115,000 for a family of four.
W: Real Estate Transfer Tax on Properties Over $5 Million YES
Will increase the transfer tax rate for sales of residential and commercial properties from 2% to 2.25% for sales from $5 million up to $10 million; from 2.5% to 2.75% for sales from $10 million up to $25 million; and from 2.5% to 3% for sales of $25 million or more.
X: Preserving Space for Neighborhood Arts, Small Businesses and Community Services in Certain Neighborhoods YES
Requires developers of projects in parts of the Mission and South of Market neighborhoods to build replacement space if they remove production, distribution and repair (PDR) uses of 5,000 square feet or more, institutional community (IC) uses of 2,500 square feet or more, or arts activities uses of any size, and to obtain a conditional use authorization before changing the property’s use. This measure will help preserve space for arts, small business, and community services in Mission, SOMA
Proposition 55: Tax Extension to Fund Education and Healthcare YES
Extends by twelve years the temporary personal income tax increases enacted in 2012 on earnings over $250,000, with revenues allocated to K-12 schools, California Community Colleges, and, in certain years, healthcare. Fiscal Impact: Increase state revenues — $4 billion to $9 billion annually from 2109-2030-depending on economy and stock market. Increased funding for schools, community colleges, health care for low-income people, budget reserves, and debt payments.
Proposition 57: Parole for Non-Violent Criminals and Juvenile Court Trial Requirements YES
Prop. 57 would increase the chance for parole for felons convicted of non-violent crimes. This proposition would also give judges, instead of prosecutors, the power to try certain juveniles as adults in court. Inmates who have served their basic sentences and passed screenings for public security would be eligible for parole, making 25,000 nonviolent state felons possibly eligible for early release. This would provide a way to reduce the prison populations in California and save the State tens of millions of dollars.
Proposition 64: California Marijuana Legalization Initiative YES
This initiative, if passed, will legalize marijuana and hemp under state law and encact a 15% sales tax as well as a cultivation tax. It will also prevent licenses for corporate or large-scale businesses for five years in order to deter the formation of mononpolies. This proposition would exempt medical marijuana from some taxation. It would also prohibit marketing and advertising to minors, while also establishing requirements and restrictions for labeling, packaging, and marketing.
Proposition 55: Tax Extension to Fund Education and Healthcare YES
Extends by twelve years the temporary personal income tax increases enacted in 2012 on earnings over $250,000, with revenues allocated to K-12 schools, California Community Colleges, and, in certain years, healthcare. Fiscal Impact: Increase state revenues — $4 billion to $9 billion annually from 2109-2030-depending on economy and stock market. Increased funding for schools, community colleges, health care for low-income people, budget reserves, and debt payments.
Proposition 57: Parole for Non-Violent Criminals and Juvenile Court Trial Requirements YES
Prop. 57 would increase the chance for parole for felons convicted of non-violent crimes. This proposition would also give judges, instead of prosecutors, the power to try certain juveniles as adults in court. Inmates who have served their basic sentences and passed screenings for public security would be eligible for parole, making 25,000 nonviolent state felons possibly eligible for early release. This would provide a way to reduce the prison populations in California and save the State tens of millions of dollars.
Proposition 64: California Marijuana Legalization Initiative YES
This initiative, if passed, will legalize marijuana and hemp under state law and encact a 15% sales tax as well as a cultivation tax. It will also prevent licenses for corporate or large-scale businesses for five years in order to deter the formation of mononpolies. This proposition would exempt medical marijuana from some taxation. It would also prohibit marketing and advertising to minors, while also establishing requirements and restrictions for labeling, packaging, and marketing.